
Your Support of TVCAP Makes a Difference

Imagine you lost your ability to speak.

How would you communicate? How would you tell your doctor what is wrong? How would you express financial concerns? How would you maintain and create new relationships? How would you tell your family you loved them?

Perhaps you know someone who has had a stroke or traumatic brain injury and lost their ability to talk.

Maybe you know someone who has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, dementia, ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) or Multiple Sclerosis, all of which impact our ability to communicate. 

With or without personal experience with an acquired communication disability, one can imagine the devastating impact it can have in life. The inability to communicate can lead to isolation, mood disorders and financial and health consequences to name a few.

Your contributions are truly appreciated to help increase skills and reduce social isolation for those living with communication impairments.

How Your Contribution Helps

Provide group speech therapy to adults with acquired communication impairments in order to increase independence and confidence with communication, and foster social connections.

Provide education and support for caregivers and community partners who wish to communicate better with adults with communication impairments.

Support advocacy to increase awareness of adult communication impairments and encourage the use of Communication Access strategies in the community.

The TVCAP aims to enhance the capabilities of both adults with acquired communication impairments and their families and caregivers. The TVCAP also offers advocacy, education, and training to promote communicative accessibility within the Thames Valley Region.

How to Contribute

Corporate Sponsorship

Is your company looking for a meaningful way to support your community? Corporate sponsorships are a great way for us  to apply funding where it is most beneficial for group operations. Please reach out to learn more about our corporate sponsorship opportunities.

In Honour

A great way to honour a loved one is to make a contribution in their name to directly benefit those living with communication impairments.

Monthly Donation

Monthly donations provide a stable and consistent source of funding, allowing us to confidently plan for future programs.

Click here to Contribute

We appreciate your support!

Clicking above allows you to contribute through our online fundraising platform.

*Please note we do not currently have charity status and tax deductible receipts cannot be issued at this time.

**Please note that the TIP amount is optional. This TIP goes to support the online platform only and  not to TVCAP.

To contribute directly to TVCAP:

e-transfer to

Cheque to P.O Box 182 London STN Lambeth, ON, N6P 1P9

For more information or questions please email:

The TVCAP aims to enhance the capabilities of both adults with acquired communication impairments and their families and caregivers. The TVCAP also provides advocacy, education, and training to promote communicative accessibility within the Thames Valley Region.

Thank you to our Corporate Sponsors:

Your support makes a difference.

Similar programs are well established in other areas around the province. Please consider supporting the Thames Valley Communication Access Program in providing these essential services to adults in the Thames Valley Region communities.

Click Here to Support
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